Tuesday, September 13, 2011

One day....

....you have a new email from tea school district... don't forget Wednesday is beachwear day...don't forget next week is homecoming, everyday is dress up day....don't forget to refill your childs lunch account.... don't forget to put sneakers on your child every other day for gym.... sign up now to volunteer!  sign up now for your daughter to be in a dance production during the halftime show at homecoming! sign up now to bring supplies to your childs classroom!!  aaahhh mommy "to do" list just quadrupled!!!!
I know our lives become not our own when we had children, but these last couple weeks have been a little overwhelming.  Not to mention my daughters new, not nice attitude after school.   The instant I pick her up she is asking to go to someones house, have someone over, have a sleepover.  Then 15 min after we get home she crashes and becomes a crazy hormonal, hungry, tired child wanting me to hold her telling me she had a "rough" day.  I am to say the least feeling a little overwhelmed.  All this along with a broken computer last week, a husband who is overworked from his job and a working on bringing my business to my home has made me look at a few things.
God keeps putting this statement in front of me.  "Do all that you do to the glory of God."  It just doesn't feel like glory!  I feel like I should be helping out people who suffered from 9/11,going to Haiti/Japan, sending meals to people who had babies recently, or sending cards to my friends in need, or doing something more monumental than THIS.  The other day my kids were running all over I was trying to cook supper, then Josh took them outside to "help" him and when I came into the kitchen the sun was shining ever so on my kitchen that i could see every fingerprint on every appliance.  I could see every crumb in every nook and cranny on the floor and counter top.  I just stood there and stared.  No matter what I do to clean and prepare there is always more to do.  Some people say, "let it go and just love and play with your kids" ok great then I have a messy house,we have no clean clothes, there is no supper?  I don't know.  I just feel a little like I'm on a horrible hill I can't quite reach the top.  Im trying to love my job as a mom and wife i really am.  I love it when i play with my kids or we have time thats not rushed, but that is not often.  I mean its 6:30am and im already behind schedule to go get ready for work, feed kids,get kids dressed and well i don't have to pack a lunch now bc apparently i was ruining myas life making her take a lunch bc it was so unfair she didn't get to go get a tray at lunchtime. Not to mention we don't even have milk in our fridge or supper planned for tonight.
Well I guess when I put my life on paper, i look a little sad, but im really not.  Just overwhelmed and really, really focused on God's strength.  Because every i mean EVERY day i need to rely on him to give me the patience I need to get through these moments.  We are working on becoming a functioning family.  I don't know why its taking us 5 yrs to do this but hopefully we'll get some handle on it before the kids leave for college.

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