Wednesday, February 1, 2012

its a duet!!

Well my husband said I could use something from his journal this morning to blog about.  Low and behold my devotion verse goes right along with it.  He has been doing a lot of reading and journaling lately as we in a season unknown right now with his business.  Never in his career has he been without 1,2, or 3 projects at a time.  And now there is nothing ahead.  TRUST.  This is a word we are learning well.  But not even just that we are trying to adjust to a life with him home more.  This sounds mean, huh?  It's not meant to be.  He has been out of town working weekdays for 2 months and went from that to him home more frequently.  When your slightly, yep I said just slightly, stubborn as myself you tend to get into a routine- an independent routine.  And when you are slightly, yep just slightly, a workhorse like he is you tend to get into a work routine- an independent one.  Do you see the problem??  It's like we are just moving from survival mode to survival mode.  Thrown under water and expected to hold are breath then rushed out and you better quick breathe because you are going to be thrown under again.  But both of us see this as a time of personal reflection on our own lives, our own sin, and how we can glorify God in this time.  We know his plan is so much greater than a prosperous business and a perfect home.  Now onto my original point, because I did have one.
 from josh's journal: a quote from a book he's reading  "the health and wealth gospel is fundamentally flawed because it fails to understand the cross of Jesus.  It fails to recognize that the cross was not only an instrument of torture on which God's son died, it's also the pattern to which are lives must be conformed."  My(josh) reflection to this is that my current trials and tribulations of this world are considered to be sufferings- they are in every way a spiritual battle between flesh and spirit (good and evil) to present humility by casting my eyes upon Jesus who humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death even the torturous death on a cross. Phil 2:8  
Likewise did Job not suffer?! God gave satan unleashed  power to torment Job to a point of all but death.  This indeed is a spiritual battle and is the battle that we face each day as Christians.  Jesus said you must pick up your cross and follow him.  Math 10:38
In conclusion to this I have been lead to believe...... all things endured: trials, tribulations and sufferings should be pursued with great passion to further Gods' kingdom.  That HE might be exalted upon his throne, bringing glory and honor to his name (ps. 148:13) Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord!! with his mighty hands The Lord sustains all things, The Lord gives all things, and The Lord takes all things.  You alone, oh God, are the perfect Creator: righteous, holy, just and good!!!!
We started our week this week finding out that one of our dear friends marriage is being ripped apart and lives being broken by sin.  Realizing that the dark shade of sin can be so deceiving.  Satan can use the idea of "living and proclaiming" a "christian" life as the most painful way to break a family apart.  Every day we need thankful that only by Gods hand are we saved from what can be a dark pit of lies, addiction, and all fleshly desires that so easily en capture us.  Then, not take for granted that hand that is reached out to us and meditate on his word and make sure our path is lined up with that of the cross.
 Mathew7:13-14  "Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
"the gate is small because truth guards the entrance.  The way is narrow because the Lord protects us with wise boundaries." Charles Stanley

will you pick up your cross and allow God to fight this spiritual battle?? will you be one of the few who take the narrow road? the road that leads to freedom from sin, an eternal home in heaven and a God who is unchanging, just, loving and holy.

May God bless your day and you think on these things as I do......
laura (and josh!)

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