Wednesday, September 12, 2012

yes there still is a God :)

Well I was going to listen to a devotional this morning but I think this is where I need to be.  I wanted share something that has been playing over and over in my head.  You know one of those situations you wish you said something but didn't? Well in my case it was while I was getting my IV in last week so i'm giving myself a little slack from the dizziness ;)  So the nurse says to me( as he is just taking his last final jab before they call the ultrasound nurse and he gets it in), "there is still a God!" and then as if I didn't hear him the first time he says it again, "oh I guess there still is a God".  And in my mind I'm thinking but not vocalizing at that point, "well if you would've missed or couldn't get it then would there NOT be a God??"  I felt like after I felt better I wanted to call him back and have a solid theological conversation about his wavering belief system.
I will never forget going to a Mercy Me concert, excuse me for forgetting the title and for probably messing up the words to some extent, in one of their songs (I believe they wrote after the lead singers dad died)he talked about wondering how people would ask how he is so strong in his faith?!  And he replies by saying that the one thing he can hold on to the one thing that remains and is unchanging is God, is his faith.
Now, this poor nurse just of course sparked something in me that really has a deeper meaning in my own life right now.  I hate to rag on the guy, he was trying to be encouraging.  I just wander when I see people going and listening to the "prosperous gospel" or "health and wealth" gospel, what it is that they believe if their prayers are answered "no" or in sickness or in death??  It really hits home in our family because if I ever get cancer again or even in our day to day dealings with it, my first response is NEVER "oh I wonder if there is a God?"  I don't think God is a nice idea that we should put into a well rounded view of this world and creation, for an option.  I believe that no matter what sickness, health, wealth, poverty, even and uncomfortable feeling about a political view..... God is God.  That should be a very stabilizing and peaceful fact for believers because this world will always be changing "view points".
I was very encouraged by a friend the other day who just became a born again believer and I was torn up with happy-tug-at-my-core emotion.  In the middle of our trials right now God has shown me his mighty hand.  His hand that never stops working even though I am neutral.  A hand that never grows weary even though I do.  Josh's sunday school class went amazing last week (for adults)  I sat in amazement at how God can change and use that man exactly how he needs to especially when it's waaay out of his comfort zone.  I have to say last weekend with the kids gone and time to fill up on "marriage" time was very encouraging for us.  I am feeling myself already slip after a couple days of work and dealing with some financial thoughts in my head and that is why I needed to write this for a reminder to ME today.  God WILL walk us THROUGH this.  Maybe not around it but we will see the other side.  My prayer life has had a drastic change.  Praying for strength and guidance instead of answers.
may God be God and may the bible confirm that for you today,

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