Monday, May 14, 2012

Lord of my life, in every season, You are still God, I have a reason to sing, I have a reason to worship

The title of this post is from a Natalie Grant song I was listening to this morning.  When it got to this line I was reminded of the reason I started this blog.  It's called my little life Gods' BIG plan....not meaning I think my life means nothing, but in the picture of life, in the thousands of years I'm not on this earth... God remains.  I have had my eyes opened to how God can move in so many peoples lives through one circumstance.  I think we forget that on a daily basis not a moment, breath, or activity goes by with out it being known by God.  

The trials we face are real and they hurt.  If we are taking Gods "narrow path" they are more frequent than those of a non-believer.  This has been a time of realization.  A time to recognize God steadfastness and sovereignty.  In this season I have a reason to worship.  God is still God.  At any moment at any time in my life this NEVER has changed.  He doesn't change his rules because people don't like them.  He doesn't change truth because someone doesn't agree.  His very word can beat out any arguement any "untruth" ever argued.  It is never changing and will remain on this earth until Jesus comes (sorry I don't have the verse for this Im typing in a hurry).    This is comforting to me....comforting to know that if I stop living in my own ideas I can see his plan.  Comforting to know that I will make decisions and he will use them to glorify Him and our family of Christ.  

We (josh and I)have been realizing as we cry out to God to show us our paths.... He is saying this.

"My children, make a decision and I will use it.  
My children, desire to follow me and I will lead you.
My children, listen to my word and I will speak to you.
My children, you are forever mine.  Nothing you do can seperate us.  Even your mistakes to bring you closer to me. "

Yesterday in our sunday school I heard this verse. Jeremiah 32:40 "  I will make with them an everlasting covenant, that I will not turn away from doing good to them. And I will put the fear of me in their hearts, that they may not turn from me." 

So you see even when my heart feels weary and my head wants to give up, God will NOT break his covenant with me.  This is what I love about his word... It is truth when I don't want to hear it and it is truth when I do want to hear it.  
In every season, He Is Still GOD.

I don't really know how to sum this up today. Mostly because I have erased and back tracked so much already.  My mind was swarming with these thought of Gods perfection and power since yesterday.  His immediate answer to my painfully honest prayer was ashamedly shocking to me.  When I have felt like so many prayers have been unanswered lately I have realized in many moments that they have, a thousand times they have!!!  

I also just want to say in almost 6 years of being a mother *sniff sniff* yesterday was the first mothers day I didn't fight with my husband.  I won't go into detail, but this mothers day was different and it wasn't because I was lavished with all the gifts and massages a girl could want, it was because first I prayed I would be graceful to my husband no matter what.  Also that God would show me how to love him even though I could already feel the bitterness dwelling up inside me.  In short not only did God answer that prayer by my husband reaching the depths of my heart by recognizing my sadness of many things going on yesterday but he answered my prayer of healing my husbands heart (that I have been praying for) and giving us this connection I have been craving.  All this was answered by one repentance prayer!  A prayer to step out of my usual snotty, bitter, assume the worst attitude.  God answers a honest heart.

ok have an amzing inspiring day.  See God in everything you do.  See him in all that is, kinda like how now just at this moment on my Pandora radio on a station that has nothing to do with Micheal W Smith a Micheal w smith song came on... from our wedding. :)


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